Everyone can flourish in a viable society on the Islands of Peace
9 ferbuary 2017Everyone can flourish in a viable society on the Islands of Peace
Have you ever heard about Åland?
A beautiful archipelago with 6 700 islands, unique nature and wonderful opportunities for recreation and rich culture life.
Our vision for our society including all the islands is:
Everyone can flourish in a viable society on the Islands of Peace.
Why this?
“Everyone can flourish…” because:
To flourish is about something deeper than material well-being and that everything should always be fun. Åland society has the conditions that allow people to thrive and to be happy. To know that we are seen and accepted, that we have the room to develop and to express our opinions and talents, and that we feel that we are needed and that we belong.
“…in a viable society…” because:
Viability is about providing for our needs without future generations, poorly treated cheap labour, or other living things in the form of animals and nature having to pay the price. Åland is also a society in forward momentum. Just as with a company or a ship, society needs viability in order to stay afloat, maintain steerage, to reach its goals. Meaningful work, paid or unpaid, helps to realize the potential of people’s inherent resources and builds viability.
“…on the Islands of Peace.” because:
Åland is an island society with pristine nature and a unique history; rich and diverse with many different habitats in a small area. We make use of the landscape, the entrepreneurial spirit, the traditions, the business sector and new technology to facilitate for all who wish to live and work here. We create a society where the sea, as in the time before private car-ownership, is a connector, creating new possibilities for prosperity and viability. And moreover: One of Åland’s special conditions is its status as a demilitarized zone.
More about the vision can be found in the Development and Sustainability Agenda for Åland http://barkraft.ax/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/development-and-sustainability-agenda-for-aland.pdf.
And everything else about Åland, we tell you in our stand at Emigration Expo. Welcome!
See also:
Åland Living www.alandliving.ax/en/
The Official Åland www.aland.ax/en/
Visit Åland www.visitaland.com/en/